OK, so, halfway through November, I decided I didn't like my Nutcracker novel, so I changed it to...THE PIRATE SISTERS!! Haha! This was a story that I wrote a while ago, just the first chapter, and I decided that would be my NaNo novel! So, I planned it all out and did the character sketches for about...um, maybe five days. And then, I finally opened the dreaded blank document and just began to write!
My wordcount goal was 30,000 but that was bit high since I decided to change my novel. So I then did 25,000 but lowered it 23,000 and then won with 24,143 words. WHOO-HOO!! XD

So, I won! Happy happy! For those of you that did NaNo and got 'inspired by this blog' (actually, haha, nobody probably hasn't actually seen it if you already were a NaNoer since I frequently go on the forums on YWP NaNoWriMo), thanks!
Oh, and you know those 'How To Win NaNoWriMo Tips' that I made? When I got stuck they weren't very helpful, but I frequently used the friend one! I talked to my friend Katie quite a lot! (Her username is Scottlyn on YWP NaNo, by the way!) She has an awesome story that I just adore which is called 2030. I love it!! Plus, she is a fellow Dictioner.
Since I have last been on, I got the One Direction Obsession. Oh, dear! But they have such awesome music! My favorite song right now by them is 'Nobody Compares' and 'Rock Me.' Katie just loves 'Heart Attack' and I just laugh and laugh when they go 'OW!'
I will post my Pirate Sisters stuff very soon. Thank you so much for reading this!
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